The generated “pedigree chart” shown here above shows a persons ancestors. The chart is generated from the database. You can click on any name in the chart to continue your journey 🙂

The first thing you have to know is the menu in the top left corner of the page:
To search for a person click on “Persons” (1).
To look at alle the pictures that I’ve collected here, click on “Photos” (2).
The other choices in the menu will not give you much information, since I haven’t collected these information.
When you choose a person then there are several options here:

- Name of the person (in this case: me)
- Name of my father (you can click on the person)
- Name of my mother
- Name of my spouse(s)
- Name of my children
- The “Pedigree chart” that you see here at the top
- My personal history
- The menu
If you want to see the pedigree chart of your family, start by finding the youngest descendant. Unfortunately the system can’t generate a “tree” showing the decendants.