I’m Samir Sadegh Maktabi, son of Sadegh Maktabi and Anne-Lise Thomsen.
I’m born in the capital of Denmark: Copenhagen and live here still with my wife and 3 wonderful kids.
While I was a kid my parents kept talking about our relatives. Uncle Ahmad in Zurich, Farouk in Istanbul, Uncle Abbas in Beirut, Aunt Ferial in London. All those names from almost every part of the world. My brother Nadim and I couldn’t remember all the relatives, their relationship, how we were connected and so on. So Nadim asked our father and started writing it down.
Approximately at the same time the grandmother of my wife: Inger Margrethe Nielsen presented me with her work about her family, and also the family of my father-in-law Erik Schou. I found a software program and started entering all the data. Data from grandmother Inger and from my father.
In 2002 I got in contact with Rikke Fjordbak Bentsen, who is married to a relative on my mothers side. Rikke was/is a fantastic researcher and had done a fantastic research into the family of my mother – all the way back to the year of 1623. Rikke gav me many advices and got my fascinated.
I decided to focus on the relatives and ancestors of my own children and then add cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, husbands, etc related to them. I wanted to create a database in which they could travel out into the world and find relatives.
You will find many other people, whom you doesn’t know. They are all relatives to my children. My database can’t filter them out
This is more than 20 years ago now and Facebook has helped me a lot keeping the family tree updated. Many relatives have helped me with information and pictures (Thanks!).
I know that many relatives living in the USA have travelled to Lebanon and connected to the family there, due to information they got from this project.
I hope that this project will help the new generations to understand the history of the families and perhaps reach out to relatives in other parts of the world. Who knows: maybe even visit 🙂
Thanks for your support 🙂
I need your help!
Many family members have helped me collecting those data and pictures. I can’t do this without your help. You can help by correcting the data already in the database or adding new family members.
- Correcting the data already in the database
- New family members (wedding or newborn)
- When a person dies
- In case of a divorce
- Update pictures
Important: Birthday information is very important for my research. It also helps me understand who is eldest and who is the youngest.
I’ve added a form that you can use to correct or add information.
A profile picture is important. It helps us easily to recognize each other. If you do not like the picture that I’ve found, then please send me a better picture 🙂
I’ve also collected many old pictures. You can find a link in the menu. Please send me your pictures and I will share them with all.
Interview the “old” generation!
Our grandparents have all the fascinating stories that we want our grandchildren to know. Place a smartphone in front of them and record their stories. Share those stories with me and I will add them here for everyone to enjoy.
Thank you!
Thanks to all of you who send me corrections, pictures and updates. Your help is important and priceless!